Нашият екип
Посещавани курсове и лекции за следдипломна квалификация:
- 2011г.-SAF-system –one file which changes the Endodontics
- 2011г.-Esthetic rehabilitation –criteria for success –(lect.dr.Mauro Fradeani &Giancarlo Barducci)
- 2011г.-Retreatment – the misson is impossible
- 2011г.-Minimal invasive approach for formig cavity access with Start-X Glide path shaping with Path-file.
- 2012г.-The use of Stick –Tech in the dental practice-Periosplinting and restoration of endodontically treated teeth
- 2012г.- Impression Techniques in Prosthodontics
- 2012г.-The use of stick in the dental practice-fabrication of adhesive bridges
- 2013г.-Irrigation protocol in the Endodontics
- 2013г.-Precision in Prosthetics
- 2013г.-3 D Endodontics-Prof. Gambarini
- 2014г.-Shoulderless preparation thechnique-the BOPT approach-Prof. Ignazio Loi
- 2013г.-Optimization of Total Dentures
- 2014г.-Creating perfect approximal contact-a different concepts for direct composite restaurations
- 2014г.-Opportunities for sealing of root canal space
- 2014г.-Аrmamentarium and techiques for broken endodontic instruments removal
- 2014г.-Bases in morphology for mimetic composite in oclusion and correct form in posterior area to guarantee proper function
Посещавани курсове:
- Esthetic rehabilitation-criteria for success-Dr.Mauro Fradeani-2011г.
- Bases in morphology for mimetic composite in oclusion and correct form in posterior area to guarantee proper function-2014г.
- Shoulderless preparation thechnique-the BOPT approach-Prof. Ignazio Loi-2014г.
- Dental Photography-2012г.
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